Faire plier la matière

Location : Montréal,Canada
Year : 2021
Pages : 117
ISBN : 978-2-9819892-0-8
Language : French
Coordinator : Pascale Beaudet

Artist and author

Claude Millette
This publication illustrates the work of artist Claude MIllette since the early 2000s. The monograph has been divided into four sections - Public Art, Works in the Garden, Sculptures and Small Formats - to give a clearer idea of the artist's career. Claude Millette's works of public art occupy an important place, both in his own work and in the Quebec body of work, and therefore deserve to be at the forefront. The second section focuses on the Ramifications exhibition, following the itinerary that curator and author Pascale Beaudet created at Jardin Daniel A. Séguin, Saint-Hyacinthe, during the summer of 2021. The Sculptures section includes works produced in the studio. The final section, Small Formats, includes sculptures cast in bronze and others made of painted steel.
Available in paper format only.