Vision & Perspective 2015

Éditeur : Busan Museum of Art
Lieu : Busan, Corée
Année : 2016
Pages : 95
ISBN : 979-11-86 154-17-5
Langue : Anglais / Coréen
Coordinateur : Kim Young-Soon
Commissaire : Kang Sunjoo
Auteur·e : Kang Sunjoo, Kim Young-joon, Cho Eunchung, Park Hyo-won

Artiste et auteur·e

Park Sang-eun
Song Ki-chul
Song Jin-hee
Lee Eun-yeoung
"This year selected artists are Park Sang-eun (1988), Song Ki-chul (1982), Song Jin-Hee (1982) and Lee Eun-yeoung (1982). They are going to show their new works or proceed to extend their existing works that were once downsized under the various condition." (p.8)
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