Futures Emerging Art Writers 5

Éditeur : Illingworth Kerr gallery
Lieu : Calgary, Canada
Année : 2024
Numéro : 5
Pages : 42
ISBN : 978-1-895086-62-1
Langue : Anglais
Commissaire : Tak Pham
Auteur·e : Morgan Black, Morgan Calenso, Mantis Huynh, Alex Jaco, Birdy Loughlin, Juli Song, Mieke Uhryniuk-Smith
Où trouver ? : H3 - Publications centres d'artistes hors Québec
This is the fifth iteration of the Emerging Art Writer’s Program (EAWP), offered through the Illingworth Kerr Gallery (IKG) for Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) students. The program connects a group of students with instructors and professional writers to expand their approach to writing about contemporary art and to experience the process of turning a first draft into a finished published piece.
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