Dominique Rey : Erlking/Pilgrims

Éditeur : Southern Alberta Art Gallery
Lieu : Lethbridge, Alberta
Année : 2012
Pages : 80
ISBN : 9781894699549
Langue : Anglais
Auteur·e : Johnson, Leon Bernard; Drouin-Brisebois, Josée
Où trouver ? : F2 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artiste et auteur·e

Dominique Rey
This publication introduces two new series: one in photography and another in painting. In "Erlking," Rey adopts various personas associated with the mythical creature from German and Scandinavian folklore known for luring travelers to their demise. Drawing inspiration from psychoanalysis and the literary works of Angela Carter, Rey portrays characters in a state of transition. Her painting series, "Pilgrims," reflects her background as a performer and demonstrates the deep personal engagement she brings to her art. Evoking the aesthetics of sideshow circus performers and 1950s burlesque, "Pilgrims" delves into themes of the unconventional and challenges societal norms of beauty through the lens of performance and public exhibition.
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