Boys with Needles

Éditeur : Museum London
Lieu : London, Ontario
Année : 2003
Pages : 16
ISBN : 1895800838
Commissaire : Anna-Marie Larsen
Auteur·e : Anna-Marie Larsen, Robin Metcalfe
Où trouver ? : F2 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artiste et auteur·e

David Grenier
Neil Macinnis
Thomas Roach
Patrick Traer
For Larsen, this exhibition not only focuses on the historical association of homosexuality with the textile arts, but it also reconsiders conventions of masculinity. She describes how the featured artists insert queer consciousness into the very fabric of their work, and by extension, society. Metcalfe’s essay charts the shifts in the cultural history of craft and illuminates, with reference to the artist’s works, how men have defined themselves within and against that history. List of works. 19 bibl. ref.
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