Laurent Sfar, Expérimentations en extérieur, 2005.
Laurent Sfar, Expérimentations en extérieur, 2005.

To become a member

Joining the community of ENE members means participating actively and collectively in enhancing the residents’ experience. Whether it’s by getting involved in the centre’s associative and democratic life, participating in working groups, or meeting with artists and authors in residency to share knowledge and expertise, members can help to improve the centre, support residents, and advance the visual arts. Membership also offers exclusive privileges, ranging from the right to vote at the annual general meeting to access to the centre’s spaces and working studios.

Active member


Any artist, author, curator, researcher, or professional cultural worker who is accepted by the board of directors and wishes to be involved in the accomplishment of ENE’s mission. Active members have voting rights and elect the members of the board of directors in a general meeting.

Active members have the possibility of booking one of our studios. See the button at the bottom of the page. 

To become an active member, please send to

  • The membership form, duly filled out
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Your artist statement
  • A visual portfolio (10 to 15 images)
  • A text or video presenting your interest in participating in the community and democratic life of Est-Nord-Est


Membership registration form – Active member

The selection committee meets every three months to analyze the applications.

See the list of advantages for active members.

Artist-researcher member


Any artist, author, curator, researcher, or professional cultural worker who wishes to take advantage of the services offered by ENE. Researchers from other disciplines who wish to explore possible intersections between contemporary art practices and their own discipline may also take advantage of the services offered by ENE. Artist-researcher members do not have voting rights.

Artist-researcher members have the possibility of booking one of our studios. See the button at the bottom of the page. 

To become an artist-researcher member, please send to

  • The membership form, duly filled out
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Your artist statement
  • A visual portfolio (10 to 15 images) – for artists
  • Two texts published on actual art (report or exhibition review, essay, text of a booklet, catalog or art book) – for researchers.

User member


Any professional artist or artisan who wishes to use the technical workshops. User members do not have voting rights.

To become a user member, please send to

  • a text or video presenting my research and production intentions in connection with my use of the technical workshops of Est-Nord-Est and/or my rental of its audiovisual devices and equipment.

Community member


Anyone in the regional community and anyone who shows a clear interest in ENE or participates actively in ENE’s activities and wishes to support the centre.


Membership registration form – Community member

See the list of advantages for community members.

Honorary member

The board of directors may appoint as an honorary member anyone with a demonstrated involvement within ENE. Honorary members are founding members or members who have helped to build Est-Nord-Est into what it is today.

To fill the form and book one of our studios, please use the link below:


Book a studio