Giorgia Volpe

Editor : Sagamie
Location : Alma,Canada
Year : 2012
Pages : 93
ISBN : 9782923612294
Language : French
Author : Anne-Marie Bouchard, Annie Hudon Laroche

Artist and author

Giorgia Volpe
This book deals with the ten most recent years of the artist Giorgia Volpe's career. We have entrusted two young authors, Anne-Marie Bouchard and Annie Hudon Laroche, with the task of writing essays that allow the reader to approach the artist's poetic work. They have brilliantly risen to the challenge by offering us a retrospective and prospective journey that explains to the reader the nature of the reflections and intentions that underlie her artistic projects. Giorgia Volpe's approach is characterised by a relational practice involving the viewer and a more strictly formal research. These two aspects intersect here in an anti-chronological journey where the material is invested for its own qualities and for its symbolic power. The present series uses collage, cutting, superimposition and photomontage of a plurality of materials, until their graphic synthesis in a succession of motifs inhabiting the space. These graphic, photographic and affective spaces generated by Giorgia Volpe's repeated gestures are presented as places of passage between inside and outside, identity and otherness, individual and collective memory. They bear witness to the artist's peregrinations between her country of origin, Brazil, and her adopted land, Quebec, to her very personal way of apprehending this territory and meeting its inhabitants with openness and generosity.
Available in paper format only.