T&T: Onward Future

Editor : Oakville Galleries,Museum London,Trapp Editions
Location : Ontario
Year : 2008
Pages : 80
ISBN : 978-1-894707-26-8
Language : English
Curator : Patrik Andersson
Where to find? : F2 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada
Tony Romano and Tyler Brett—collaboratively known as T&T—mix humor, irony and fantasy with serious concerns about architecture and the natural environment. Using architectural drawings, scale models and digital photography, T&T engages in what they refer to as advanced research into car/architecture. Over the past decade the artistic duo has cobbled together a unique vision of an ecologically sound and socially harmonious future landscape. The fragments that make up their assemblages have been appropriated as much from art history as popular culture, their landscapes and figures dialectically shaped within utopian discourse. They are, they claim, not only post-apocalyptic, but 'post-Suzuki'. This fully illustrated first monograph contains an essay and and an interview.
Available in paper format only.