Bearings: four photographics essays

Editor : Gallery 101
Location : Ottawa,Canada
Year : 2001
Pages : 79
ISBN : 1896183115
Language : French / English
Coordinator : Jen Budney, Micheline Dandurand
Curator : François Dion
Author : Marlene Creates, Lorraine Gilbert, Jeffrey Thomas, David Dybiec
Where to find? : D1 - Monographies Canada

Artist and author

Marlene Creates
Lorraine Gilbert
Jeffrey Thomas
David Dybiec
This book contains photographic essays on Ottawa by four artists, each with a distinct documentary approach: M. Creates’ photographs of Ottawa population signs indicating different totals; L. Gilbert’s digital images of buildings and storefronts, J. Thomas’ photographs and texts concerned with stereotypical sculptural representations of First Nations people; and D. Dybiec’s series of black and white images addressing the theme of tourism. Dion’s poetic, self-reflexive text focuses on the beauty of a certain presence he perceives in the city, embodied in a character named “Laura.” Brief biographical notes on the artists and curator. Texts in French and English.
Available in paper format only.