Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale

Editor : Casino Luxembourg
Location : Luxembourg
Year : 2023
Pages : 220
ISBN : 978-2-919790-41-8
Language : English
Author : Clémentine Deliss, Berit Fischer, Erick Fowler, Ludovic Hadjeras, Emilia Bernard, Elise Boivin, Corentin Ferry, Julie Perigot, Soline Pin, Valentine Poulet, Jacob Kirkegaard, Julia Kursell, Uriel Ladino, Katja Pilisi, Charles Rouleau, Razan Sabbagh, Ida Soulard, Colin Sterling, Nguyen Phuong Thao, Alice Twemlow, Salomé Voegelin
Where to find? : B2 - Résidences
The publication Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] presents the results of research projects developed by participants in the first edition of the Artistic Research Lab at Casino Display. Guided by their desire to destabilise and question the constraints they encountered, and strengthened by the discussions that took place over three weeks of in situ research, the book presents work resulting from experiments around the concepts of community, uncertainty, resistance, hybridity, preconceived expectations, movement and alternative. - Editor's website
Available in paper format only.