Shock Waves : Photography Rocks Representation

Editor : Dazibao, France Choinière
Location : Montréal
Year : 2003
Pages : 229
ISBN : 2922135179
Language : French / English
Author : David Dorembaum, Anne Bénichou, Dennys Riout, John O'Brian, Yves Jubinville, Marta Braun, Vincent Lavoie
An anthology of six essays on the increasing importance of photography studies and its impact on different disciplines. Dorenbaum establishes links between the photographic act and psychoanalysis, while Benichou focuses on the commemorative function of an installation by I. Kabakov (The Ship, 1987). Riout closely examines Opalka’s ongoing multidisciplinary project which explores the effects of time, whereas O’Brian takes a socio-cultural look at British Columbian travel postcards from the seventies. Finally, author Jubinville explores the relationship between theatricality and the sensational news item, and Braun looks at A.G. Bragaglia’s occult experiments with photodynamics and photospiritism. Includes excerpts from Dave Heath’s photographic journal. Biographical notes. Texts in French and English.
Available in paper format only.