P.E. Island Agriculturist vol. 55

Editor : Journal Publishing Company Ltd.
Location : Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Year : 1941
Volume : 55
Number : 2957 à 2308
Language : English
All newspapers of the year 1941. The P.E. Island Agriculturist was a politically nonpartisan newspaper aimed at P.E.I, farmers. Beginning publication on May 31, 1883, it was originally devoted exclusively to articles on agriculture and housekeeping, but local, national and international news was also featured in the 1890s. The proportion of news gradually increased until the paper's demise, although the essentially agricultural nature of the paper never changed. During the 1920s, the paper was variously the official organ of the Co-operative Associations of Prince Edward Island, the P.E. Island Egg and Poultry Association and the P.E. Island Potato Growers Association. The Agriculturist was the sister paper of the Summerside Journal. It ceased publication on Jan. 29, 1949.
Available in paper format only.