Shifting Territory

Editor : Gallery 101 / Gallerie 101
Location : Ottawa, Canada
Year : 2000
Pages : 63
ISBN : 1-896183-09-3
Language : French / English
Coordinator : Donna Wawzonel
Author : Andreq Hunter, Donka Wawzonel

Artist and author

Scott John
Artist-run centers ad exhibition practice
This publication is an extension of “Promote/Exhibit/Document” (1997), an exhibition curated by Wawzonek, which displayed Gallery 101’s archival materials (invitations, press releases, grant proposals, etc.) as means of identifying how the gallery represents itself. The curator’s essay examines issues of site and publication in the construction of Gallery 101’s public identity. Changes to curatorial practice and arts funding are discussed in relation to the artist-run centre’s history. The essay also includes descriptions of the various Gallery 101 locations, and analyses of the publications produced in these sites. Hunter’s fictional text deals indirectly with recent changes to curatorial practice (i.e. “The New Curating”). While on a road-trip with his mother and a character based on John Scott’s “Mars Bunny,” the author/narrator reflects on the role of artist-run centres in the changing relations between institution, curator, art, artist and audience. Wawzonek’s text in French and English; Hunter’s text in English only. Brief biographical notes on authors. 33 bibl. ref.
Available in paper format only.