La demeure

Editor : Optica
Location : Montréal, Canada
Year : 2008
Pages : 114
ISBN : 978-2-922085-12-9
Language : French
Curator : Marie Fraser
Author : Marie-Josée Lafortune, Marie Fraser, Constanza Camelo, Marie-Paule MacDonald

Artist and author

Kim Adams
Michel de Broin
Constanza Camelo
Claudine Cotton
Alexandre David
Marie-Suzanne Désilets
Rachel Echenberg
Marie-Ange Guilleminot
Borderline Developments
Lani Maestro
Shelley Miller
Janet Morton
Daniel Olson
Jean-François Prost
Ana Rawakowicz
Danielle Sauvé
Steve Topping
Mary Sui Yee Wong
La Demeure offers different perspectives on contemporary practices and issues, in the context of a cultural movement whose complexity we can scarcely fathom. Now portable, mobile and ephemeral, the dwelling is being shaped by its own quest, reflecting a desire to inhabit places and invent unconventional lifestyles outside the traditional framework of architecture. Many artists today are questioning this phenomenon. The habitat is no longer a simple, sedentary retreat; on the contrary, it intrudes into the interstices between interior and exterior, affecting intimacy as much as social space, daily and domestic life as much as urban density and activity. Experienced as a mutant, nomadic space, the home is a means of orienting and locating oneself in space and in the world. This reflection opens onto artistic and cultural, geographical and philosophical concerns, forcing us to reposition the idea of home as the foundation of a sense of belonging and identity. Authors with different backgrounds and interests address these questions: exhibition curator Marie Fraser, architectural theorist Marie-Paule MacDonald and performance artist Constanza Camelo. (Publisher's website)
Available in paper format only.