Elsie : A tribute by Dominique Blain

Editor : Musée régional de Rimouski, Jardins de Métis
Location : Rimouski, Canada
Year : 2007
Pages : 95
ISBN : 9782920367890
Language : French / English
Author : Jocelyne Fortin, Dominique Blain, Alexander Reford, Karine Hébert
Where to find? : C2 - Monographies Québec
The Musée régional de Rimouski prepared this publication on the creation of the installation by the Montreal artist Dominique Blain, executed in honour of Elsie Reford, the legendary founder and highly respected creator of the Reford Gardens. The catalogue has three essays. The first, by Jocelyne Fortin, concentrates on the work and artistic practice of Dominique Blain. The second, by Alexander Reford, director of Les Jardins de Métis, provides an intimate portrait of his great grandmother, Elsie Reford. The third is by Karine Hébert, professor of history at the Université du Québec à Rimouski, is the fruit of her work in Elsie Reford’s archive, sheds new light on the era of Elsie Reford and his contributions to society. 
Available in paper format only.