Editor : Sagamie édition d'art
Location : Alma, Québec
Pages : 154
ISBN : 9782923612607
Language : French / English
Author : Justin Duschesneau, Cynthia Fecteau

Artist and author

Philippe Allard
This monograph presents the work of the artist Philippe Allard. More than 15 years of creation and wandering to conceive large-scale works. In his research, Allard diverts the architectural function and the accumulated scrap object without neglecting the poetry of space and light. He has created monumental installations that point out our environmental concerns with aestheticism and irony. Through an essay by the author Cynthia Fecteau, the path of these projects becomes philosophical and opens up to a poetics of space. "There is no shortage of paths, and many of his works share the same quest : to reveal, bring to light and disseminate the transversal narratives, the layers of history and the invisible realities that crisscross the territories we inhabit, cross and fabricate, individually or in society. In analyzing his journey, I also have in mind all the objects that the artist collected and accumulated to create his works : plastic bottles, wooden pallets, milk crates, satellite dishes, car parts, dumpsters and even abandoned trailers. This process of collection and storage, at the origin of each of his installations, forms a vast inventory of artifacts, like those places that travel and the effort of discovery open up in us, like a philosophical reading, a vision of reality recorded in an author's pen or the poetic potential inscribed in an object]. (Publisher's website)
Available in paper format only.