Iannis Xenakis : Composer, Architect, Visionary

Editor : The drawing center
Location : New-York
Year : 2010
Pages : 150
Language : English
Author : Ivan Hewett, Carey Lovelace, Sharon Kanach, Mâkhi Xenakis

Artist and author

Iannis Xenakis
ne of the most important figures in late twentieth-century music, avant-garde composer Iannis Xenakis originally trained as an engineer and was also known as an architect, developing iconic designs while working with Le Corbusier in the 1950s. Accompanying the exhibition Iannis Xenakis: Composer, Architect, Visionary, this publication comprises samples of Xenakis’s pioneering graphic notation, architectural plans, compelling preparatory mathematical renderings, and pre-compositional sketches, all created between 1953 and 1984. Important scholarly texts explore the fundamental role of drawing in Xenakis’s exceptionally interdisciplinary career. (Publisher's website)
Available in paper format only.