Editor : AXENÉO7
Location : Trois-Rivières, Canada
Year : 1999
Pages : n.p
ISBN : 2-9804048-5-3
Language : French / English
Curator : Jean-Yves Vigneau
Author : Michel de Broin, Jean Geuer, Alexandra Pincock, Jocelyn Robert, Annie Thibault

Artist and author

Michel de Broin
Jean Geuer
Alexandra Pincock
Jocelyn Robert
Annie Thibault
Five artists from Quebec comment on their own works, which borrow from concepts, methods and languages used in physics, mathematics and scientific disciplines such as biology and biochemistry. The following topics are discussed: process, circuit, discovery, laboratory, multi-dimensionality and representation. Texts in French and English. 9 bibl. ref.
Available in paper format only.