Ulrika Ferm – Emergency Weather

Editor : Dazibao
Location : Montréal
Year : 2008
Pages : 64
ISBN : 9782922135336
Language : French / English
Author : Ulrika Ferm, France Choinière
Where to find? : A2 - Livres d'artistes Québec

Artist and author

Ulrika Ferm
"Between 1939 and 1946, under the Emergency Powers Act, Ireland found itself immersed in fog. In order to demonstrate its neutrality during World War II, the Irish government censored, along with a host of other things, all meteorological information. Naturally, this measure was intended to avoid the inopportune arrival of military aircraft or ships on Irish soil, but it was also a way of avoiding to commit, an acceptable way of not choosing sides. Ferm’s work, underpinned by a subtle narrative and particularly interested in forgotten, neglected or unexplained historical phenomena, slips between what these documents reveal and what they recount. Emergency Weather takes on a hybrid quality, existing as both document and fiction." -- Publisher's website.
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