
Editor : Mercer Union
Location : Toronto
Year : 1986
Language : English
Curator : Elke Towne
Where to find? : F2 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artist and author

Judith Barry
James Coleman
Rebecca Garrett
Project installations by Judith Barry, James Coleman and Rebecca Garrett
In describing the works to be included in Dark/Light, curator Elke Town has stated: "Beyond their most obvious use of the transparent filmic image, the artists have in common a concern for its referentiality to the nature and meaning of photographic and cinematic representation. They are interested in the role of narrative in the construction of cultural myth and also consider the role of the spectator in decoding constructed cultural representations. James Coleman deals with the cumulative means and methods of representation by language and image. His concern is with what is retained, altered and restored as an object or subject passes in representation through time. Judith Barry deals with the architecture and the spectacle of representation as a display, a spectacle in itself. She constructs a small spectacle to portray a much larger and more encompassing one. Rebecca Garrett's work is concerned with the subjective effects of cinematic representation on the individual, specifically female, subject."
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