Chris Reid : I like to believe I am telling the truth

Editor : Gallery 1C03, University of Winnipeg
Location : Winnipeg
Year : 2012
Pages : 48
ISBN : 9780978410773
Language : English / Ukranian
Author : Mary Reid
Where to find? : F3 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artist and author

Chris Reid
In I like to believe I am telling the truth, artist Chris Reid offers us a series of rich, multi-layered visual narratives. Her oversized chalk pastel drawings, diminutive decorated eggs, sculptural installations and sock creatures demand our attention with their loud, at times blinding, colours. One might ask, however, what "truth" are these pieces telling? As viewers consider the compositions and contents of Reid's creations, we learn that her works contain references to culturally diverse folktales, including those from her Ukranian Canadian heritage and her husband's African American heritage. Her idiosynchratic cast of caracters, comprised of anthropomorphic cats, dolls, full-mouthed bunnies and bread, are symbols Reid has inserted into her art for many years. These personalities interact with their environment - wether in the privacy of a domestic setting or on the streets and fields of urban and rural prairies landscapes - to reflect the artist's observations of the world in which she lives and works. 
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