Cheryl Sourkes : Public camera

Editor : Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Musée canadien de la photographie contemporaine, Galerie d'art Tom Thomson
Location : Alberta, Ontario
Year : 2007
Pages : 78
ISBN : 0929021495
Language : French / English
Author : Cheryl Simon
Where to find? : F3 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artist and author

Cheryl Sourkes
For the past six years, Cheryl Sourkes has been distilling images from web cams and live video streams that she has found on the internet. Selecting and editing from thousands of images has led Sourkes to organize her work in particular series. Locations are images from specific cities or places. Interference focuses on images compromised by the weather and other natural phenomena. Interior features web cam images from public spaces and businesses. By placing surveillance images in a fine art context, the artist moves beyond the distanced instrumentality implicit in the originating technology, creating new meaning through the selection and classification of images. Sourkes refers to her work as conceptual documentary .
Available in paper format only.