St. Lawrence River

Editor : Haifa Museums, The National Maritime Museum
Location : Sept-Iles, Québec et Haïfa, Israël
Year : 1999
Pages : 59
ISBN : 965-7067-12-X
Language : French / English / Arabic / Hébreu
Coordinator : David Berger, Nissim Tal
Curator : Daniella Talmor
Author : Daniella Talmor
Where to find? : G1 - Catalogues d'exposition hors Canada

Artist and author

Pierre Bourgault
For the “Saint-Laurent River” exhibition, a dozen artists came together in a group “Les Correspondances”, for the production of an original multimedia exhibition, in order to capture the emotions and thoughts linked to the river as an element. relationships and communication. -p.54
Available in paper format only.