Samuel Coisne

Editor : La malterie
Location : Lille, France
Year : 2012
Pages : n.p.
Language : French / English
Coordinator : Elise Jouvancy
Author : Agnès Violeau
“Belgian artist Samuel Coisne juggles mediums and plays with materials. In his sculptures, installations and images, we find a search for simplicity, lightness and poetry, a play with codes and their hijacking, offering us an offbeat look at the objects and structures that surround us. In this spirit, the city is a recurring theme in his work, against a backdrop of violence and fragility. Crashed windows like starry embroidery, cobwebs tracing the cartography of our cities, or lacy maps, a network of intertwining threads, are all reminiscent of the thread on which we are constantly dancing. Precarious equilibrium... “My work evokes the city, its streets and buildings, against a backdrop of fragility and violence. By switching from one material to another, I try to deliver a sometimes offbeat, sometimes poetic vision of the urban structures that surround us. In this way, we can find broken windows resembling starry embroideries, spider webs tracing the cartography of our cities, or lace maps, a network of threads that cross and intertwine, reminiscent of the thread on which we are constantly dancing. The balance is precarious. Everything still holds together, but for how long? ” For his residency at La Malterie, he will be developing an installation based on a model of a city, made up of a multitude of blocks of ice designed to supply water to different forms of life, playing with the transformation of matter.” (Publisher's website)
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