The Knowing image

Editor : Vox, centre de diffusion de la photographie
Location : Montréal, Canada
Year : 2000
Pages : n.p.
ISBN : 2-9801 608-7-3
Language : French / English
Coordinator : Pierre Blache
Curator : Marie-Josée Jean
Author : Marie-Josée Jean
Where to find? : H1 - Publications centres d'artistes Québec

Artist and author

Raymonde April
Nathalie Caron
Donigan Cumming
Charles Guilbert
Angela Grauerholz
Sylvie Laliberté
Laura L. Letinsky
George Steeves
Intimacy has invaded the public domain. Whether the context is politics, entertainment, advertising, or the internet, we are constantly bombarded with images of intimacy, making the confrontation between private and public emblematic of our times. This aesthetic is reflected in the work of the nine photographers and video artists presented here. The treatments range from somber and studied to theatrical and burlesque but collectively lay bare the relations with the Other.
Available in paper format only.