La Cueillette

Couverture de la publication La cueillette
Editor : Est-Nord-Est, résidence d'artistes
Location : Saint-Jean-Port-Joli,Canada
Year : 2000
Pages : 52
ISBN : 2980128139
Language : French / English
Coordinator : Marie Fraser
Author : Marie Fraser, Chantal Boulanger

Artist and author

Nathalie Caron
Jean-Pierre Gauthier
Lise Labrie
Marie-Josée Lafortune
Natalie Roy

Before being an exhibition, La Cueillette first took the form of a residency during which artists were invited to create works in sites of their choice. The artists worked in specific sites or branched out from them, intervening in the landscape and architecture as well as the vocation, function, and history of their chosen sites. And so, under the theme of La Cueillette, in situ works “appeared” in the landscape, scattered here and there throughout the village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli. For a month, the installations “inhabited” diverse unusual sites, including a chapel, a riverside cottage, a former mill, places along the main road, vacant lots, fields, restaurants, snack bars, and the access to the dock.

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