Emotional blackmail

Editor : Southern Alberta Art Gallery
Location : Lethbridge, Alberta
Year : 2011
Pages : 89
ISBN : 9781894699525
Language : English
Author : Ryan Doherty, Morgan Meis, Þór Andrésson Markús, Chen Tamir
Where to find? : F2 - Catalogues d'exposition Canada

Artist and author

Kristleifur Björnsson
Kerry Downey
Hadley + Maxwell;Haraldur Jónsson
Ragnar Kjartansson
Magnús Sigurdarson
Meiro Koizumi
Tova Mozard
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay
Aleesa Cohene
Toward sincerity in art
Tracing a tendency in contemporary art of the last decade away from the irony and cynicism that marked the 1980s and 1990s, this publication offers a sampling of complex works marked by what could be called “neo-sincerity.” Artists and writers look at how emotions are expressed and manipulated in the name of art, the emotional exchange between artist, collaborator and viewer, and the difficulty of expression and generation of emotion in contemporary visual art. Ranging from pop music, YouTube, teen culture and self-help, the inspirations for these works are straight from our multifarious mainstream culture.
Available in paper format only.