Bruno Santerre : The shifting studio

Editor : Centre Sagamie
Location : Alma, Québec
Year : 2003
Pages : 102
ISBN : 9782923612119
Language : French / English
Author : Pierre Rannou, Laurier Lacroix

Artist and author

Bruno Santerre p
This book is the result of a publishing residency at Centre SAGAMIE by Rimouski artist Bruno Santerre. This creative stay allowed him to develop two original photographic projects entitled L'Atelier en déplacement and L'Atelier en retrait, which are accompanied by an essay by Laurier Lacroix. As a starting point for this publishing project, Santerre worked in the light of two artists who, like him, have used light in their plastic research. He moved his studio to Paris, Amsterdam and Delft, to the places where Brancusi and Vermeer lived, in order to take a series of photographs in or around their studios. In order to situate the process that led to the creation of these new series of works, Pierre Rannou discusses, in the first part of the book, three solo exhibitions of Santerre's work, in which the notions of studio and gallery merge and invite the viewer to participate in the making of the view.
Available in paper format only.