Editor : Dazibao
Location : Montréal, Canada
Year : 1999
Pages : 32
ISBN : 2-922135-09-8
Language : French / English
Coordinator : France Choinière
Author : Loly Daarcel, Lorraine Oades

Artist and author

Loly Darcel
Lorraine Oades
This publication complements a collaborative project by Darcel and Oades, which consisted of photographs that subtly explore the presence of humans within nature. It contains short poetic texts (combined with photographs by the artists) that form a dialogue concerned with themes such as: the restorative quality of place; and intimate relations with matter, landscape and the other. Includes brief quotes by M. Yourcenar (in French and English). Darcel’s text in French; Oades’ in English. Brief biographical notes
Available in paper format only.