Slow Spring : Annette Merkenthaler

Editor : Southern Alberta Art Gallery
Location : Lethbridge, Canada
Year : 2003
Pages : n.p.
ISBN : 1-894699-23-8
Language : English / German
Coordinator : Marilyn Smith
Curator : Joan Stebbins
Author : Joan Stebbins, Hellevi Rebmann, Linda Cassens-Stoian

Artist and author

Annette Merkenthaler
"In celebration of St. Barbara's Day, it is a tradition in Germany to cut branches from a cherry tree on the 4th of December. For her new installation, St.Barbara's Cherries, Merkenthaler gathered branches from the dormant flowering trees on the Lethbridge farm of Ike and Diana Lanier. With the encouragement of warm sunlight streaming through the gallery's Palladian windows, these cut branches bloomed over the course of the six-week exhibition period bringing a welcome harbinger of spring."
Available in paper format only.