L'hexathuya par Baptiste César
Baptiste César, L'hexathuya, 2019, radeau en matériaux de récupération. Crédit photo: ENE/Jean-Sébastien Veilleux photographe.

A look back at the 2019 residencies

2019 in pictures

In 2019, for the very first time, the residencies took place in ENE’s new quarters! These superb images speak to the research – material, conceptual, poetic, critical – that the artists and authors conducted during their recently completed summer and fall stays.

Happy viewing!


Summer 2019

Nature found its way into the new spaces and inspired the summer residents. In different forms, it was manifested in their work as much in the poetry of a four-leaf clover and the concept of the cicada’s chant as in the materiality of the wind that swells, folds, and transforms the shape of a piece of cloth held on the shore by the water.

Fall 2019

Those in residency in the fall had a particular focus on the object. They investigated the provenance, essence, and function of objects through actions that diverted their appointed purpose, displacing them from one context to another (for example, a rock in the countryside vs a rock in the studio, invested with a possibility of life that,

once activated, produces sound).

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