Portes ouvertes de l'automne, 2024. Crédit photo: Jean-Pierre Pelletier

Winter 2025 open studios

Curious and lovers of contemporary art are warmly invited to our winter open studios which will take place on March 13 at 5 p.m. at 335 avenue de Gaspé Ouest!

This will be an opportunity to visit the studios of our cohort of residents made up of artists Amadeo Azar (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Nichol Marsch (Stonewall, Manitoba), Louis Bouvier (Montreal, QC), Toni Brell (Amsterdam, Netherlands), as well as author Joëlle Dubé (Montreal, QC). You will be able to hear about their explorations and their reflections, both material and conceptual, which marked their time at Est-Nord-Est.

The visits, lasting approximately 2 hours, will be followed by a friendly meal offered by the centre during which we can continue the discussion together. A beautiful evening not to be missed!

It’s free! We are excited to see you there!