Untitled (resisting) par Lucy Andrews
Lucy Andrews, Untitled (resisting), 2013, roll of plastic packaging, approx. 3 tonnes of water. Photo credit: Philip White.

Winter open studios


Thursday, March 19, 2020

5@7 + welcome wine

ENE’s first winter residency is already drawing to a close! To celebrate the work carried out by the artists and the author in residence, the public is warmly invited to join us on Thursday, March 19, starting at 5:00 p.m. You’ll have an opportunity to hear artists Lucy Andrews (Ireland), Alexandre Bérubé (Canada), Mathieu Gotti (Canada), Adrien Lefebvre (France), as well as the author Camille Richard (Canada) present their research, reflections, methodologies, and experiments during a tour of their workspaces. Join us for the evening at ENE, situated at 335 Avenue de Gaspé West. Wine will be served; come and raise a glass!

Everyone is welcome!