Alexandre Piral, Vue d'atelier, 2022. Crédit photo: ENE / Jean-Sébastien Veilleux photographe.
Alexandre Piral, Vue d'atelier, 2022. Crédit photo: ENE / Jean-Sébastien Veilleux photographe.

Documentation center

Est-Nord-Est’s documentation centre – both physical and digital – is a rich artistic resource that highlights the stays of its residents by conserving traces of their production (residents are invited to donate one or more publications to mark their presence). The centre also offers a collection of books on contemporary art practices and theories in Canada and abroad. This research space contains a record of ENE’s activities and keeps track of the latest advances in contemporary art through subscriptions to a variety of periodicals. It is possible to consult the list of documents available, discover texts attesting to the experimentation in residency, and explore the archives of current events and newsletters through the online database.




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Livret de programmation 2003-2004

Sophie Castonguay, Joceline Chabot, Natacha Clitandre, Heather Diack, Ève Dorais, Katy Fortin, Suzanne Joos, Tricia Middleton, Jake Moore, Pierre-Anaïs Parent St-Gelais, Juliana Pivato, Bernard Schütze

Livret de programmation 2002-2003

Pascale Beaudet, Martin Boisseau, Kerri Embrey, Brett Kashmere, Katy Fortin, Daniel Hall, Rosemary Heather, Jean-Ernest Joos, Marie-Paule MacDonald, Caroline Martel, Tricia Middleton, Zoë Miller, Suzanne Paquet, Daniel Roy

Livret de programmation 2001-2002

Michel Boulanger, Gabriel Doucet Donida, Louis Fortier, Sylvie Labrosse, Patrice Loubier, Jonathan Middleton, Devora Neumark, Monique Régimbald-Zeiber, Kristen Roos, Deniel Roy, Guy Sioui-Durand, Luciano Vinhosa

Galerie VOX

Élène Tremblay, Chantal Boulanger, Michel Campeau, Bertrand Carrière

Livret de programmation 1999-2000

Melody Young, Jean-Philippe Uzel, Andrée Daigle, Sonia Pelletier, Kyla Angstrom, Colette Tougas, Alexandria Pierce, Gaston St-Pierre, Saskia Ouaknine, Natalie Shahinian, Joceline Chabot, Yvonne Lammerich, Marie-Josée Jean

Icônes des aléas d’un monde frivole et quelques rituels pour y survivre

Jocelyne Alloucherie, Paul Ardenne, Denis Lessard
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