Residencies program REGULAR Artist Residency Author residencies | REGULAR
Interregional cross-residencies between Est-Nord-Est and Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK

Interregional cross-residencies between Est-Nord-Est and Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK

Est-Nord-Est and Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK have joined forces to develop a program of interregional cross-residencies. The organizations invite cultural workers (authors, curators, researchers) from Chaudière-Appalaches/Bas-Saint-Laurent and Montreal regions to propose research-creation projects with a one-month (31-day) timeline that can be subdivided into up to two periods (2 weeks) over the course of a year, in line with the values of Est-Nord-Est and CLARK: adapting to one’s availability and needs, according to personal and professional realities.


Through this program, Est-Nord-Est and Centre CLARK aim to: 


  • Support cultural workers by providing them with a flexible residency context and appropriate resources for research-creation.
  • Promote cultural workers’ practices: writing, publishing, research projects, curating, etc.
  • Develop new networks for research-creation, production and dissemination between Chaudière-Appalaches/Bas-Saint-Laurent regions and Montreal.

About the Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK


The Centre d’art et de diffusion CLARK is an artist-run centre in Montreal dedicated to the production and dissemination of contemporary art. It is divided into several physical and virtual spaces with diverse functions. The two main components of the Centre are the gallery, which comprises two rooms within which exhibitions are presented. The Centre also comprises a Poste audio, through which five sound art pieces are broadcasted each year, the Librairie CLARK, which offers publication launches and readings, and a residency studio. CLARK produces several off-site projects, including performances and collaborates with a variety of cultural and community partners.

Vue d'atelier. Crédit photo : Courtoisie du Centre Clark
Vue d'atelier. Crédit photo : Courtoisie du Centre Clark
Résidence internationale Momoko Tanizaki. Crédit photo : courtoisie du Centre Clark
Résidence internationale Momoko Tanizaki. Crédit photo : courtoisie du Centre Clark

Residency conditions:

  • Residency fee of $1550.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses up to $250 (upon presentation of supporting invoices).
  • Lodging provided by the host organization.
  • Option to organize a public activity, including an additional fee of $250.

Application requirements:

Please submit the following documents in a single PDF file:


  • A letter of intention for the residency (maximum 300 words)
  • A text presenting the proposed project (maximum 300 words)
  • A provisory plan for the duration of the residency
  • A curriculum vitae (maximum three pages)
  • A selection of visual documentation or texts with descriptions:
    • Images: maximum ten images.
    • Audio and video material: maximum ten links, with a maximum duration ten minutes each.
    • Texts: maximum five written extracts.


For filing purposes, please save your document as follows: Last name_ First name.pdf.


Maximum size of PDF file: 10 MB.

Submission of the proposal:

For applicants from the Chaudière-Appalaches/Bas-Saint-Laurent regions whose residency will take place at Centre CLARK, please submit your application no later than August 18, 2024 at 11:59pm. to the following address:


For applicants from the Montreal region whose residency will take place at Est-Nord-Est, please submit your application no later than August 18, 2024 at 11:59pm to the following address:

For any questions, we invite you to get in touch with Camille Richard, general art director at Est-Nord-Est, via